Mirco Grotto, been born in Vicenza in the 1963. You enrolls in 1978 in the High school Artistico of Valdagno and subsequently test various studies from the academy of Belle Arti to the studies of Architecture in Venice, but it is in 1985 that it finds his/her road, frequenting the course of illustration iperrealista to Salisburgo and knowing in that period the illustrator Renato Casaro to Monk where it has the opportunity to frequent his/her study. It increases the interest for the cinema illustration and it collaborates with the Museum of Treviso, it experiments various techniques from the airbrush to the acrylic one, but it is with the crayons that it finds the correct equilibrium. You directs in different directions, and, close to realizations of interest scenografico and of television destination, we find theatrical or cinema collaborations