
Always been passionate about Art in general and lover of Nature and of nature photography in particular, I started portraying animals, their looks, the landscapes in which they live. The passion for photography and graphic has subsequently focused on cultural, historical, environmental topics.

To better express my ideas and my feelings I use contamination between mediums: I think that I can better represent what I want to communicate by using a plurality of tools.

For this reason, some years ago I switched to Digital Art. By using this technique I better convey thoughts, ideas, feelings, values ​​in a mix of graphics, photography and technology.

I exhibited in Italy and abroad receiving awards and praise from audiences and critics.

Seminars held by me during the course of Economics and Art Market - Faculty of Arts, University of Verona at Polo Zanotto:

- "Art reproducible: the case of Photography" (2009)

- "Photography: expanding visual art" (2010)

- "From photography to digital art: creative evolution" (2012)

Awards and publications:

- Selection among the "Editors' Picks" at the"LensCulture Emerging Talent 2015" Prize

- Report of the International Jury for the Award ArtProtagonist2015 (Jurors from Argentina, Bosnia, China, Colombia, Croatia, Iran, the Netherlands, Romania, Russia, Taiwan and Italy)

- Special Mention of Jury at ArtProtagonist2014 Prize

- National Magazine "The San Vincenzo in Italy" (Shooting published on the cover and photos published in support of the article in the magazine)

- Second Prize of the Jury at the "International Prints Exhibition Award" (Punta del Este, Uruguay - 2011)

- First Prize - "Art and Solidarity Trophy" section Digital Art c / o Museum of the monumental complex of Monreale Guglielmo II (2010) selected by critics.

- Shots published for the month of August of the 2010 calendar of the Museum "Lavinium" in Pratica di Mare

- Competition: "Write photography, photograph books" (Shooting published in the collection of short stories, poems and images "Scriverefotografare" (2010)

- Photo contest for the realization of a calendar of the "Friends" NGO for the Defense of Animal Rights (Shooting published for the month of August 2007)