
Verbobala is a Mexico-USA arts collaboration which challenges the traditional concept of artistic genres through bilingual site-specific performances and installations. Like international borders, the separation
between artistic forms and languages has become increasingly amorphous and irrelevant. While focusing on combining live video projection with bilingual spoken word poetry, their pieces play with the limits
between cinema and literature, performance and installation, orchestration and improvisation, English and Spanish, audience and artist.

“They’re on their way to a poetry written without letters.” –Reforma, national newspaper, Mexico.

Group Members
Adam Cooper-Terán – Self-taught Chicano video artist, born in Tucson, Arizona, USA in 1985.
Logan Timothy Phillips – American border poet, born in the Arizona-Mexico borderlands in 1983. B.A.
cum laude in Spanish, Northern Arizona University, 2005.
Moisés Regla – Mexican new-media artist, born in Cuernavaca, Mexico in 1978. Has studied at the
National School for Visual Arts in Mexico City and holds a Visual Arts degree with specialization in multimedia.


