
Saverio Feligini lives and works in Rome. He comes from a self-taught background made of experiences gained in non-institutional contexts shared with other artists.
His work is engaged in a personal research on the technique of “Pure Collage” without using any other media.
".. So you left again, to enter that glossy world , where image is everything, to search for.
It’s a special place, generated by galactic rotaries, edited by a thousand clicks, in four-colour printing.
It’s a fast and fleeting world, which changes at each page and each week for millions of insect eyes. It’s easy to be stopped, just scissor hands, but the murder is forbidden, one can only mention it. That world is made of interconnected dimensions through which you pass by cutting them , and so they instantly disappear for regaining different shapes somewhere else .. "(my friend Dada Knorr, poet and writer, 2008).


