
Alessandra Carloni was born in Rome in 1984. She lives and works in Rome. She attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, where she studied painting under Prof. Celestino Ferraresi. In 2008 she graduated in Painting. She also attended La Sapienza University of Rome, where she graduated in Contemporary Art in 2013. From 2009 to 2013 she exhibited her works throughout Italy, in Rome, Milan, Trieste and Florence. She is also interested in urban art and you can find her murals in various towns.
“Contrasts dominate both in nature and in the city as well as on a canvas, now chaotic and confused, now contemplative and recomposed, transpires the contrast of colors. This way, nature shows the artists and the artist shows us the primordial forces, the essential values, the insecurity of existence, despite the continuity and spatio-temporal repetition of nature and cities. The representation of natural landscape is integrated with the one of the architecture of the buildings: one is the continuation of the other. Dreams, shadows, emotions, suggestions, spatial conceptions of the artist's memories. So the return to nature is still synthesis with the city and it doesn't represent separation or opposition: a synthesis in the creative process itself, through colours, signs and images.
Signs of nature and cities that in their lights, colors and in their disturbing or meditative tunes, in an unreal and evocative atmosphere, show a sense of the nature of objects, a sense that goes beyond the original one, showing its essence.”
Extract from a review written by G. Tirloni (Italian curator)
“The painting of Alessandra Carloni is a mechanical dreamlike limbo consisting of mechanical gears and segments of light, essential geometries that invite the viewer to identify with these temporal waiting times. The colour, which is often tenous, in contrast to the chaos of the broken lines- that recalls the valuable lesson of Futurism – suggests the dreamlike dimension which combines to the real one, where time plays a mocking role, reversing the hourglass, quickening or slowing the rhythm.
Each of us is an active, operating part of this imaginative process. Our cities, which are our outer protection, our emotional living, may also become desolate and lonely landscapes, stylized scenes full of "emptiness". We are different and complex beings and we are lost in the chaos of metropolitan life. We are alone in our cities while time desolately goes by.”
(Alessandro Morino, painter and writer)
“Beings who are hanging in the balance in suspended cities, even though each of us is a necessary element of the puzzle, a question which is constantly searching for answers. The artistic work of Alessandra Carloni poetically captures the hardships of our comtemporaneity , giving a fantastic impression, a richly imaginative pictorial narrative of the apocalyptic dimension we are living in this historical period, in which, although the chaos seems inevitable, it is possible to wake up... it is only necessary to want it.”
(Claudia Garro, graduates in Art History)