
My creative impulse originates from the desire to immerse myself in the lives of the others at a given moment, to describe their essence. It's an operation that can't be done totally and for this reason imagination and invention become key elements in my work. With the term “life” I mean what the individual feels and in my works I try to identify the filter which is able to capture what is living and not living at a given time.
The emotional discrepancy that may result from the relationship between the occurrence of events and how to deal with them, creates an uneasiness that I reveal and represent with objects and anthropomorphic figures.
So far I have been dealing above all with "Fluctuating", because I know their silent pain, their being powerless because hopeless, but at the same time I like going further to show the last spark of the will to live and to win of my people/characters, suffering from devious diseases like melancholy, depression, unconsciousness of self.
To say that I try to enter the lives of others to describe their essence may seem pretentious. I only make an attempt. I cannot really enter the mind of others and live their lives, but I think that inside every human being there are the same feelings. When I decide to immerse myself in someone else's life is because I see a common feeling, which can be weak for me, while for another can be more intense and that is the point from where I start. I get a feeling and I expand it, I take it to the limit of my empirical and emotional knowledge. Maybe this has something to do with the work of the actor, partially, and it's implemented by me for each real, fictional or invented character. The characters that I put on the canvas have different stories but the frequency in which they float is the same: children or adolescents (or adult-like beings) of whom it does not matter what happens, but how it is lived and felt.