
The world of shadows is so mysterious and varied that it can make any object interesting and poetic. Nevertheless I would like to quote my true source of inspiration: Italo Calvino's works and in particular his Lezione americane ( American lesson) have truly " thrown some light "on my pictorial research. I'm referring to concepts such as lightness and the need to escape from the heaviness of live.
Panting shadows is an indirect way of looking at the world. I see reality through its reflection.
Wandering about, I take pictures of shadows and classify them according to their subject: after shadows of plants, I now fascinated by urban landscapes. Later on, the material collected is selected and pictorially re-elaborated on the canvas. The shadows in itself does not exist, it is something incorporeal which changes its shape according to the light-time dichotomy: for its mutability I associate it with Calvino's idea of lightness.
In urban shadows the shapes defined by the drawing may always be considered as in progress .They break up, interact with each others, become the plot of a story as in film frames, where every single image has a life of its own, but is also part of the sequence. The public is intentionally put in front of a world that is half visible and half concealed. My works are a meditation on the unceasing mutability of the environment through changes in shadows, which imperceptibly but inexorably change.
This is the inevitable sign of the passage of time.
The technique used in my works is this: drawing has replaced the previous pictorial work and the shadows take shape after applying the graphite pencil with on a monochrome steel grey background. I them use iridescent colors thinned with water to cover the whole surface of the painting and this create a sort of bright film.

