
I was born in Palermo on August 13, 1969. Even as a young kid I loved painting and drawing and managed to talk my patients into sending me to art college, where I learnt very little, except for art history and guitar. Yes, guitar! I was playing non-stop! I started painting just to have something to hang on the walls of my small rented apartment and relax. Since I missed playing so much I started painting black and white portraits of musicians. I was immersed in the music I wasn’t playing anymore for lack of time and energy. In the short pauses at the call center I kept drawing at my workstation until the bloke working next to me noticed I had some talent.
Today I feel more a musician with a brush in my hand than with a guitar. Now I know what the musician I’m painting is feeling. I know what it’s like to choose an instrument. Painting a man playing an instrument is like being on stage with him, just like when as a kid I used to play along with records and feel happy...