
Since I was interested in the internet world, I started to work for a company which created a website for gay people to interact and communicate with each other. At first the work seemed tedious and shocking. But working in this environment broadened my perspective and showed me intensely the everyman's loneliness, the dreams, desires and wishes of all people from any country.

Reading the site and the individual profiles which each customer is supposed to set up, made me realize that 'I couldn’t expect people to do what I thought they would do’. I had the unique opportunity to look into people’s deepest desires and this influenced my creative work.

Coming from lively colourful oil-paintings, I started to collect my impressions and scribbled them down. The results are drawings and paintings that show the humour in human relationships, overpowered and dramatic with unpredictable movements. I show that everyone is looking for the same: To please others and finding someone who is of the same mind; to change devestation into excitement. My work shows our world which is full of drugs, sex, loneliness and sorrow, lively and vivid. It includes oil-paintings, drawings, photographs and tex