Architect, born in San Pietro Vernotico (Brindisi) in 1956, lives in Casarano (Lecce). Trained by studying the authors of neorealism, following his work focuses on the relationship between the real and the imaginary representation of which forced him to continue mental processes. The twentieth century (painting and cinema) and psychoanalysis affect the stylistic approach and are thrust on a journey of the soul.
Published in 2012 Flying with the infinite song Vianello Libri in 2009 Puglia. The most beautiful villages of Italy in 2002 and Adda Editore PugliaLucania Electa. The last exhibition in Rome at the eighth edition of Contemporary Day. In 2009, appears on "New Art" by Giorgio Mondadori in 2011 and received the award from the Art Gallery of Culture "Centro Storico" of Florence. His work has been reviewed by several newspapers and recently "Fotologie" - Pages choices of contemporary photography.