
Alex Roberts is a British artist that lives and works in London. She is an artist who works predominantly with paint.

Roberts’ current focus, working with the figure, is on how we perceive identity and change. Exploring the relationship between what we see and what we feel, her work seeks to invite the viewer to question how he or she perceive their own worlds, while capturing moments in the lives of others. The work often offers a provocative and humorous take on our everyday experiences.

She is looking at our image-obsessed world head on, its clichés and definition of beauty, exploring role-play and portraiture.
Her present critique seeks to explore the wide range of illusions found in life; specifically the façade, the surface and what lies beneath, behind and beyond.

Roberts studied at City of Bath Art College and Reading University before completing a further diploma at the London College of Printing.

Her work resides in numerous private, and public collections - de Sla San London, Marco Pierre White Brasserie London, Olympia London, Standard Chartered Bank London & Hong Kong.

Recent exhibition info can be found by visiting her website.

Forthcoming plans: October 2013 – sees Roberts return to the ICIA, University of Bath as a PT Artist/Tutor. She will be delivering her course: Observations in Painting. ‘A platform for you to think and act like a traveller’ (The Art of Travel, Alain de Botton).
October 2013 – Roberts will be starting her own Masters of Arts (MA), Fine Art at Chelsea College of Art & Design, University of Arts London.