
Anthropomorphic figures that seem to be out of a science fiction film, stare at the spectator with a docile dreamy look. These are the characters of Mariapia Saccone.
Here the paintings play on the problems of interpretation that lie between what is and what aspires to be.
These beings, their unusual forms and lines, fruit of a sort of celebration of the monstrous (in the sense of the unknown), their childlike eyes, assume the tone of a thing written, they become, that is, a narrative style (right out of a science fiction novel).
The layout, which emphasises the face of the figure, at closer examination gives the impression of a "Flemish" way of transcribing the details, encouraging the observer to skip over the first pages of the book, to understand the meanings hidden under the blanket of the first impression, tense between wonder and fear, and all of this with a subtle irony.
It seems that the artist has created the work, not to be observed, but to observe the monstrous acts of man.

Luca Maria Perrone