
My practice revolves round the concept of art as a mimesis of reality; the reality being the everyday. This reality that we have become accustomed to has been appropriated. This alternate ‘reality’, which has been created, embraces humorous obscurities by acknowledging the mundane and the ludicrous. The work is an investigation that explores where the alternate reality is present and where it ceases to exist.

As the study of these interpretations of the obscure and the ‘uncanny’ commences through interdisciplinary means, what is asked of the viewer is their engagement. The spectator should approach the works with an open mind to experience this alternate world with alternate rules.

There are playful notions present amongst these ambiguities displayed through simplistic aesthetics, which mimics that of Postmodernist views. I have “become a manipulator of signs more than a producer of art objects and the viewer an active reader of messages rather than a passive manipulator of the aesthetic”, (Obsborne and Sturgis, 2006).


