The Tecno-Vintage in the art of Almadressa
by Stefano Donno
The transformation seems to be the key word of A.’s work (also known as Maria Beatrice Protino), where passing throughout different languages seems to have a single aim, that is reaching an analysis of the social which upsets the cognition of a reality always more chaotic and less comprehensible.The images which this artist proposes are a deep moment of reflection on what surrounds us and desementhesizes our everyday life. The use of the computer graphic definetly increases the iconized impact, determining and structuring a real chain of eidetic editing neither more nor less than cybertronic, sometimes post-punk, in the most of the cases techno-vintage, where bodies, objects, sensations are elaborating messages of continuous half-caste and aesthestic reflections on the change itself.The “trans-gender” of the images of Almadressa is a genetical change of the identity; it’s the recovery of a trans-cultural and multi-cultural prospective; it’s metabolism, or rather: a real icon graphic organism provided with a huge digestive system of a whole pop culture which stars with Warhol arrives at P.K.Dick.