
Born in Milan. Graduated in scenography (stage design) at the Art Academy Brera of Milan. Graduated at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts de la Marionnette of Charleville-Mézières - France. She founded the StultiferaNavis Company in 2002 in order to create her own performances (Le Bateau Bleu - 2002; Mirabilia - 2005; Les Espériences Sensées - 2006; Visioni Contemporanee della Marionetta - 2007; Un Souffle, une Ombre, un Rien – 2009; Dialoghi tra città, Dialoguri intre orase, Villes en dialogue- 2009; Cantates- 2010; Urban Marionnette- 2013; Cartes sur table- 2014; Urban Marionnette Miniature - 2016; Le livre de la Tempête- 2017).
She managed workshops and projects about contemporary art of puppet in France and Italy.