
Wake Up and Sleep is a multiracial and multicultural collective website of artists, aiming to awaken critical sense, curiosity and imagination by showing works of art and artistic actions.

The project Wake Up and Sleep [abbreviated: WU+S] was born in 2012 from the meeting of Giampaolo Marcantoni, artist and creative AD, with the artists and designer Ron Minard, Thomas Füster artist and video-maker, and Eky Cash artist and fashion designer. The desire to give voice to a feeling of latent disagreement with many attitudes promoted by the media and taken for granted, has led these creatives to found an outpost of artistic protest; its language however, must not be as rude and loud as the media’s, but a pure one, typical of “advertising”, readable and not just focused on getting unnecessary repellent shock effect.

The first group was later joined by other artists, selected on the basis of their projects and kinds of expression, in order to create, either as solos or as a collective, works discussed by the Wake Up and Sleep group.