
Idonalism –
The best way to sum up my art is a personality driven art where there are no rules, created from oneself and that of society for the pure satisfaction of the viewer and artist. Taking the concept of Id from Freud, the Idonalist has no reasoning, and lives off pure anarchy. No laws, organization or purpose other than to drive sexual, basic needs from life.
There is a no logic or reasoning to this form of expression other than to want it all.
The life and death part of the idonalism is between the life aspect and death questioning of the art. The life instincts are the pleasurable forms of sight based on survival.
While the Death aspect represents the unconscious thought to die, and end the survival of oneself. It is the escape from reality through alcohol and drugs, in the death aspect of the Idonal. Thus pure anarchy in life and death causes the blur between the lines of reality thru fiction.