
Gillo Dorfles

“Not all the geometric abstractionism is destined to vanish”; nor “the mimetic naturalism may be vanquished”. Perhaps these two sentences outline what we just have to think about the latest series of paintings by Giuseppe Simonetti.
As a matter of fact, one of the reasons why his painting is topical lies, in my opinion, in such contrast – and, at the same time, coincidence – of the two trends. A painting that is definitely aimed at recovering a chromatic need that is autonomous in itself. Yet the painter appears to be aware of how practice and discussions about colours’ complementarity, their simultaneous contrast, their ‘marginal gradients’ that have been so thoroughly examined– as from Goethe up to Itten and Albers – are no longer sufficient today, since they now come mainly within the field of perceptive psychology; how it is not sufficient to exclude the imitation of Nature or colours’ materiality to find a justification to one’s own pictorial initiative.....

