
Manuela Adragna, sensitive to both drawing and painting since childhood, has accomplished an academical career faithful to these two interests, firstly attending a school of art and then taking a degree in History of contemporary art at the University of Viterbo (Italy). She received her first camera as a gift from her father at the age of twelve. This choice came from his slim desire to instil his devotion to this art, tough and practised with passion, into her mind. But a long time has passed before she changed from being the subject to being the author of thought out and studied photographs.

At the end of 1990s, when her first important journeys were made, she began thinking about and looking for the objects to photograph; her artistic flair which had been, till that moment, mainly theoretical, came to life and found expression.

Stimulated and encouraged by Luca Pagliari, a contemporary photographer, she decided to go on looking for her own artistic career.

Her photographs originate mainly from the urgency to fix instants, sensations, places, in order to elevate the objects, which would otherwise be relegated to the sphere of their everyday nature, thus powerfully revealing their hidden beauty and expressive force, making them protagonist of a silent dialogue with the careful observer.