Luca Motolese, in art Akira Zakamoto is born in Turin (Italy) in 1974. The artist lives and works between Turin and Milan.
Through the years, Luca frequented as a student the IPS Albert Steiner of Turin, University of Grenoble and Dams -Department of Arts and Film and Theatre studies at the University of Turin.
His artistic endeavor saw Luca working in the ample art scene not solely as painter but also as film director and art director.
In 2007 he co-founded Bottega Indaco with Ciro Palumbo and in 2008 created Arte Indaco.
Akira Zakamoto's human and professional artistic development has been supported and enriched through the years thanks to: Franca Patrucco, Sergio Motolese, Barbara Motolese, Anna Stevanin, Nicola Motolese, Maria Teresa Ossola, Aldo Maggiolo, Andrea Maggiolo, Elena Maggiolo, Adriano Attanasio, Elvira Panier, Roberto Savino, Giancarlo Povero, Anna Lequio, Roberto Magliano, Joseph Corbò, Antonio Nunziante, Ciro Palumbo, Salvatore Zito, Francesca Miglio, Mattia Motolese, Samadhi Mattaliano, Bodhi Anugrah, Valeria Boati, Emiliano Pilone, Claudia Parrini, Chloè Motolese, Chiara Manganelli, Francesca Bogliolo, Simona Vanetti.
Zakamoto artistic carrier has been attracting the attention of the following art critics: Paolo Levi, Stefania Bison, Alberto D'atanasio, Vincenzo Dalle Luche, Chiara Manganelli, Francesca Bogliolo, Elisa Basso, Fabio Carnaghi, Carlo Gavazzi, Nicola Davide Angerame, Andrea Diprè, Rosanna dell'Utri.
The work of Akira Zakamoto has been followed by a number of newspapers, arts magazines and culturale zines: La Stampa, La Sesia, Corriere dell'Arte, Effetto Arte, Genitori channel, La Repubblica, Bari sera, Sette giorni, Studentipuntoit, Torino City life, l'Ancora, Art&Art, Oltre confine, Giornale dell'arte, Spazio, Miele, Grazia, Effetto Arte, Radio DGvoice.
Selected among the winners of the international award - international public art sponsored by the City of Turin (Italy).
Selected at the 2nd International Art Biennale di Palermo (Italy).
The work of Zakamoto is shown nationally and internationally in a number of art galleries and museum.