
As a poet participates in 53. International Art Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia - Collateral Events, 2009. Essayist, composer. And editorial director of TRIMBI, Journal of Art and Communication, Publishing Coordinator TRALARTE: necklace of aesthetics and philosophy. Published Cosmetics Walkman (Naples, 1990); Dear Enzensberger. The fate of television (with A. Abruzzese) (Milan, 1992) The scene immaterial. Electronic languages and virtual worlds (Genova. 1994), Listening to time. Inaudible music and rhythmic environment (Florence, 1995); Trattocontinuo. Merci ... languages and trends, (with Daniel C. Pitteri and Radl (Genoa, 1995); For an aesthetics of the rest: that beyond the political value of consumption (Naples, 2008), Liquid Visions (Naples, 2008); The tele/vision indifferent (Naples, 2008). He is the author of several entries for the Dictionary of advertising (Bologna, 1994), is the author of 100 entries for the multimedia encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences (Rome, 1999), has edited the edition . Italian Aesthetics of Disappearance by Paul Virilio (Naples, 1992). He translated for the Italian type Baudrillard, Maffesoli, Virilio, Chambers.