
Born in Florence in November of '79 and start taking pictures during a trip to Greece in the winter of 1988 with a Agfamatic 50, 1972 had a present for the occasion. Despite his conservative spirit, after a number of analogic equipment (which still very jealus) the inevitable transition to digital takes place in 2004.
In the winter of 2007 began to work in a young group of florentine artistic research, in which a year later founded an association and created the magazine "Il Malpensante" which he care layout and graphic design.
In 2008 his photographic expression has a "turning point" without warning began a journey that leads him to the inner quest for simplicity, he finds the purity of the white / black and you feel very attracted to an image type impressionistic, less descriptive and contrasts are very strong. With time and through the course of studies in architecture and an intimate couple unconscious with light, using it through the photographic camera as an investigative tool of expression continually evolving.