
Simone Negri was born in Milan in 1970. He graduated from the Istituto Statale d'Arte in Castelmassa (RO) and subsequently deepened his research in the field of artistic ceramics by attending workshops and following numerous seminars. He develops his interest in the expressive possibilities given by the ceramic process itself, initially by deepening the techniques of smoke firing and subsequently with personal research on single firing at high temperatures. Since 1998 he has been exhibiting his art works in public spaces and art galleries. His work gains notoriety in the Italian panorama of author ceramics thanks to award and prizes riceved in prestigious national events. Over years he has taken part in numerous exhibitions including "Lo Stato dell'Arte" during the 54ᵗʰ Venice Biennale in 2011,"Scultura ceramica contemporanea in Italia" at the National Gallery of Rome in 2015 and "Fittile" at the Triennale of Milan in 2021. His ceramics are present in private and museum collections in Italy and in other European countries. He lives and works in Erbusco in the province of Brescia - Italy.