
“Liberty and Potatoes. Liberté et Pommes de Terre. Libertà e Patate”

The video is loop projected while seven female mannequin busts are hung from the ceiling, wearing shirts with pictures representing the news. “Seven” days of the week. “Seven” capital sins. The busts symbolize the media, the anchors giving the news on TV as if it were an entertainment show, rather than a horrible drama of truth. My nude body, as a means of communication, protests in opposition to the vulgar exploitation and merchandise of the female body, and to show that the news should be given as it is, harsh, cruel as it often happens. “Liberty and Potatoes”, was French revolutionary André Chenier’s motto, beheaded for having denounced the horrors of his time. I say, the news should be given without distorting its meaning, fighting political, economic interests that try to twist reality. I am direct, clear, not afraid nor ashamed. My face is covered, as I am a collective identity. “Art is dangerous. If it’s chaste it isn’t art”. (Pablo Picasso)