
Rather than simply photograph what the eye sees, I use traditional photographic materials and techniques to trace, question, evoke and explore our relationship with the non-human world. My speciality is the ecological shadowgram: large scale cameraless photographic imprints of living outdoor ecological phenomena exposed plein air to artificial (flash) and natural (moon, star) light. Much of the work carries kinetic (eg. tree bark abrasion) and biocehemical (eg. tree sap) imprinting as well as the photochemical record. My subjects have included semi-desert, woodlands, ferns and rainforest, rain and breaking ocean waves, emus, and dancers footfall, live reptiles and crawling and flying invertebrates. My most recent project involved capturing starlight falling on a dry semi-desert lake bed so as to render enigmatic images of heaven and earth. All my work is informed by a deep respect for place, methodological grace in the face of uncertainty, collaboration (with scientists, ecologists, students) and the serendipity of 'chance'. I am a photo-media land artist.

