
The technique based on a “little modules”construction allow a representation which at the same time catches the description and the precariousness of the vision that is able to represent the shuttering of each unite meaning of things.
The object is not a highlighted mere volume but the element of a composition which, defying the opaque density, points out towards a final outcome where everything is bent to a new formal order.
Naturally this order does not produce a sublimation of the specific splendour of the single element but it transforms each meaning into a single and transfigured significant.
In this research, objects are seen as metaphors of a fingerprint on the clay similar to a pixel (an image element) and through the multiplication of these elements the image is entirely created.
At first sight we can see a sort of accumulation clashing with the thick order which supports it.
But in the end it creates a orderly interpenetration which has been worked out to push on as far as the notches of each element.
In this way the multiplied and accumulated object follows an obsessing repetition; the represented object lives a repeated life which spreads out all over the space and along the endless and absolute time.
Pietro D'angelo

Gallery : Ermanno Tedeschi Gallery


