
In my artistic expression I discovered a very important element, I realized the shape of the light and the deformations that it is subject to the line, an aspect little considered in the painting because the artist usually obeys, turning to his visione.Nei amplifies my paintings and to give the light a unifying power of creativity and spiritual subjects, I am surrounded by a mystical spirit which directs my hand, the colori.I my landscapes, seen at first glance, seem to reflect scenes of everyday life, but actually take away from questa.Io create upheaval, a serene and causal chaos, a world seen in autistic dimension, dominated by a breath divino.La discovery of light Almighty translates all my moods. The light and 'so' bright or harsh, sad and 'broken, intense, even brilliant, it decreases, increases, fighting with the shadow with a message of triumph to Life. "investments and Lorenzo

