
"During my studies I’ve come to understand that working behind all of the elements and principals is a single view- the artist’s.

As obvious as that might seem, it is only through the focus on the subject and its form that I can achieve this. Whether that form is absolutely defined or left spilling out into the world I’ve created on the picture plane; I am defining it in the manner I perceive. Every time I pick up a pencil or smear paint on canvas I am inserting my own personal perspective gained and mutated by years of practice and study."

The above paragraphs comprise the whole of my artist statement which is included in my student portfolio. As a student, I find it easy share my intentions and my views and easier still to create as I see fit what I see. However, I'm seeing now that sharing ones art, successful or otherwise, is less about what one can do, but what one can still do and I believe I can still do great things.