

Born in Genoa in 1978, he has always practiced photography as a passion and as a pursuit of knowledge.
After graduating in psychology in 2005 with a thesis on visual perception, begins his professional work in the reportage and portraits.
In 2007, the series called Passages of Time becomes in Turin his first solo exhibition curated by Valeria De Simoni.
In 2008 he is selected by Luca Beatrice in order to appear in the review Art among young artists from Liguria.
In April of that year he exhibited for Philip Fettucciari Art and in May is selected by Fabrizio Boggiano for Biennale of Photography in Alexandria.
In 2009 he exhibited in photosynthesis in Piacenza and is among the finalists for the prize of the Galleria San Fedele in Milan.
In 2010 he is selected to partecipate in the descubrimientos of Photo Espana and for Campus PHE Edicion de libros.
Specializes in professional lighting to EFTI in Madrid
In 2011 the series End of Reality, is selected for Italian Emerging Photography by Laura Serani and projected in France, Turkey and Italy.
In the same year he directed his first shortfilm Zapatos Rojos and founded the production group Sustancias Activas
Different workshops are essential for its formation: Savarese, Scianna, F. Jodice, Zizola, De Luigi, Turetta, Ackerman, Sanguinetti, Petersen.
At present he lives and works in Madrid.