
Karmil Rafael Cardone was born in Potenza in 1985. He lives and works between London, Potenza and Rome. He attended the Arts High School in Potenza starting his educational background in the field of Arts. He graduated in “Arts and Entertainment History” at the University of Rome “Sapienza” with the final dissertation “Interactive Art Installation”, a project concerning the correspondence between sound and colour.


Borders & Disorders
curated by Andrea Chinellato and Luca Curci l Venice Art House Gallery l Venice l 2015

curated by Simona Caramia and Lorenzo Madaro l Contemporary Art Center “Open Space” l Catanzaro l 2014

Marche Centro d’ Arte
Contemporary Art Expo III edition l San Benedetto del Tronto l 2013

Quinta Biennale del piccolo formato
curated by Rino Cardone l Officina Solare Gallery l Termoli l 2013

Mediterranea 16
Young Artists Biennial l Mole Vanvitelliana l Ancona l 2013

Redditio Symboli
Pinoteca Provinciale l Potenza l 2013

New Future
curated by Manuela Valentini l Palazzo Poggi l Bologna l 2013

Galleria Civica l Potenza l 2012

IX Edition Celeste Award
ex–GIL l Rome l 2012

3ª Biennale dei Giovani Fotografi Italiani
Center of Art Photography l Bibbiena l 2012

Word Event Young Artist
Nottingham (England) l 2012

A scena aperta
Allegra Ravizza Art Gallery l Milan l 2012

Cecilia l Creativity Art Center l Tito (Potenza) l 2012

La verità è luce
Contemporary Art Center “Open Space” l Catanzaro l 2012

XV Biennale de la Méditerranée
Thessaloniki (Greece) l 2011
Italian Pavilion – Basilicata
curated by Vittorio Sgarbi l 54° International Art Exhibition - Venice Biennale l Potenza l 2011

Visioni suburbane
curated by Simona Caramia l “Arte Fuoricentro” Art Gallery l Rome l 2011

Towards the Unknown
Photography Art Installation for the “White Cube” l Amnesiac Arts l Potenza l 2011


Winner of the "Artistic Residences -
Basilicata out " l 2015
Artist selected for the Expo of Contemporary Art l
Marche Centro d' Arte l San Benedetto del Tronto l 2013
Finalist at Celeste Award, Rome l 2012
Special Prize “Passione Italia” l 2011
We own the night Award l Treviso l 2010
Grappaimage Award l Verona l 2010
Arti e Mestieri Award l Potenza l 2010


Venice Art House
Artists in Residence
residence Ca’ Zanardi


Costruire la Basilicata
Il lavoro e la formazione in un secolo di fotografie d'autore l 2014

Marche Centro d’ Arte
Contemporary Art Expo III edition l 2013 l Vanilla Edizioni

Errors Allowed
Mediterranea 16 l Young Artists Biennial l 2013 l Quodlibet

Celeste Award IX Edition
2012 l ZeL Edizioni

3ª Biennial of Young Italian Photographers l 2012

Word Event Young Artist l 2012 l Allemandi & C.

La verità è luce
Trentatré giovani artisti per un pensiero d' autore l 2012 l Rubbettino

XV Biennale de la Méditerranée l 2011

Lo stato dell'arte. Regioni d'Italia
54° International Art Exhibition - Venice Biennale l 2011 l Skira