
Victoria Arney lives and works in London and France
graduated from ULA Camberwell M.A. Printmaking 2012 (distinction) won Bainbridge Award, Oaksmith Prize and the Ardizzone award. Shows include a silhouette instillation at the British Museum in 2011 and a solo show - Dream life of Debris in 2014 at Bearspace Gallery, London.
Her work was shown internationally, inc Japan at the Tokyo university Gallery selected by Professor Paul Caldwell and in Bite – Artists making Prints at the Mall Gallery - where she won the John Purcell paper award.
Through many different visual disturbances her drawings and prints question representation,memory and potentially our relationship to natural forces – where one begins and ends. How an event such as the Tsunami in Japan in 2011 alters the immediate surrounding landscape but also becomes part of our own image of the world.The idea that within catastrophe there is the potential of new unrealized borders – turning static places into shifting fragmented spaces where the inside is outside – sites of disappearance and erasure but also accumulation these are central to her thinking about drawing.
She is represented by Bearspace Gallery