
My name is Alberto De Leo and I was born on May 29th, 1984, in San Pietro Vernotico (Brindisi, Italy).
I used to live in Lecce (Italy), until I was 19, where I took the 'High School Diploma' on Programmation at the “A. Olivetti” Technical School.
Although my commercial studies, I've been developing my passion on arts, freehand drawings and illustrations since I was young; I've been cultivating myself to evolve this passion taking part in some short courses on comics, always in Lecce.
Afterwards I decided to get deeply into my passion, attending a three-year course of “Illustration, Animation and multimedia” at the “European Institute of Design” in Milan, which has given me the opportunity to enhance my knowledge of new traditional and digital illustration techniques, allowing me to expand my conception of art and the possibility to lay it on several fields.
During this course, I made many project works of illustration, and through them I could stimolate my creativity and my public relations skills, enabling myself to work for small private businesses.
At the end of these three years in Milan, I wanted to improve my knowledge of languages and other cultures travelling especially to Spain, Portugal and United Kingdom; I've been living in London since the Octuber 2008, where I work as a freelance.

