
David Downs is an interdisciplinary artist born in 1978 in St. Louis, Missouri. Currently he works in Chicago, Illinois. Since 2005 his work has been exhibited in South Bend Museum of Art, Las Manos Gallery, and Baby Blue Gallery. David is a recipient of the Chicago Artist Assistance Program Grant (2010), and a resident artist at Spudnik Press (2016). His work has also been featured in Barbed, Average Art, and WERKS magazines.

Painting is, for me, a way of searching. Through research and reflection I attempt to make sense of my place in the world. Painting is also a device for communication. While many would claim they are communicating to the viewer through their work, my work belongs to an inner personal dialog. I use elements from memory or childhood photographs, or I borrow images from media archives to use metaphorically, to visually discuss my subjectively introverted take on existence.