
"... .. the picture is a key that opens the door of our sensitivity, not all the pictures
can do it, but it is for us not to hide the lock. "
This reflects its marine, in its landscapes and its faces: ".... are places and faces
plausible, but are not material, I wish they were the places and faces of the soul, at least
of mine. "
His paintings are inner needs: projections of the unconscious, of underwater worlds andimaginary
where you feel the harmony between the nature and living beings, peace, an innerserenity
cast, according to some critics, with a "colors sublime. "

"Read" his paintings is like trying to read Maria Rita with her life full of doubts,
joys, hopes and anxieties, while listening to the silence of his soul, tip
not so much the brush on the canvas but especially being able to transfer your fingertips
thought in color manes in the wind hurled the glow of a fiery sunset.
Noting its sunsets, the faces of women suffered but designed to improve their
existence through the physicality, its infinite paths in the darkness we find ourselves,
property, the center of the universe in search of that principle or the end of conscious
they can not distinguish whether the end is the beginning or, conversely, the principle is

