From years I look for the incipit of my life in the form of the art, I suffer him/it the world “decadance” of ours was modern, from the art, from the tv, from the comic strips, applying the pop decoding to the tall culture dell‘immediatezza and the smitizzazione of the message
I explore the events, the chronicle, the social uneasiness and I reflect them in the work of my artistic world, not limiting me to the only painting. Inside my compositions I introduce objects of discard, the opulence of the superfluous one, elements drawn by religious and political contexts. The human alienation as radiography of a precarious world adrift. Pop Post, new dadas are simply the background of my combines painting without any intent to the desecration or to the polemic to contest the reality of every day. I open the streets of the unconscious and awakening the hidden demons
An abandoned love and then found again that he/she embraces all of my world immaginifico and that it contains all of my artistic run. A sea sponge that absorbs the life and it turns her/it into foam in the metamorphosis of the art.