
My world growing up was filled with conflicts, being told by peers and teachers you can’t do this or you aren’t good enough to do that. Friends getting themselves caught up in the wrong things and having to go against the flow to try and struggle to do what I was told is “right” and what I thought was right. I didn’t have an identity of my own, I didn’t have confidence. When I started making art I had to constantly fight myself and all those voices in my head telling me I was not capable of doing anything. My art became my confidence and my identity. I came to realize that it didn’t matter to me what people thought about me and my work, the only thing that mattered is what I thought and felt. Art is what it is to each artist, my art is art because I say it is and it doesn’t matter what other people think or say. I put my heart and soul into what I do whether it is a class assignment or something I do on my own time. It is my place to get away, to focus and to relax.
My main medium started out as charcoal. I feel it is the safest and most forgiving medium. It is easy to add marks and take away. It started out as a comfort zone issue because I was afraid to try new things. Slowly though, I am expanding my horizons to different mediums and less “safe” subjects. It has become a very gratifying journey that I plan on continuing until my fingers fall off and then I will cross that bridge once it arrives.

