
The essence of wabi sabi is captured in every creation, by Manuela Metra. Each piece tells a story, with its irregular shapes, subtle imperfections and earthy colors. These characteristics are not flaws, but rather deliberate choices, reflecting the artist’s belief in the beauty of impermanence and the passage of time.
Manuela’s wabi sabi ceramics range from delicate tea bowls and vases, to unique sculptures and tableware. Her creations have gained recognition from galleries and collectors worldwide, who appreciate the timeless elegance and soulful presence of her work.
On canvas, Manuela Metra translates wabi sabi’s ethos, into depth, layers and hues, which capture the tension between colour, form and substance, in organic matter. Infusing the wisdom of the wabi sabi aesthetic, her canvasses enrapture the gaze, taking the viewer, to the calmness and incompleteness of the present moment. Manuela’s art work has been exhibited in museums internationally and sold in galleries and exhibitions across the world.