My musical notes are the protagonists of situations or they become the symbolic and allusive notes of real events to come, dreamlike visions, or of human passions. The note allows me to roam about in time and in the artistic techniques in the form of sonorous energy and hence harmony, it is the mediator between our physique and the natural harmonic to come of the creation. The energy that governs.
The choice of the easel isn’t a recuperation, but that what assumes a single existence, life placed on a straight line of which I know neither the origin nor the end. It is at times clinging together and at times dilated on its physical support, takes a unreal power on that real support, fluid and intangible that we can’t see nor apprehend to the depth. The note is the perception, through which the way to connection, the fourth dimension.
The frames on my easels haven’t only the significance of the window but they are integral part of the same to guarantee that that opening, that thought, those ex