
Luiza Samanda Turrini (Poland, 1979) is a free-lance journalist, art critic, and curator. She writes for Drome and Lobodilattice. She published for the magazines Bang Art, Parol, Le Voci della Luna, 2.0, Inside; for the websites Succo Acido, Whipart, NakedFlavour, Braintwisting, Retort, Carmilla, Sassuolonline; for the newspapers L’informazione, La Gazzetta di Modena, and il manifesto. She is the resident curator for the gallery Magazzini Criminali. She collaborates with Annovi Contemporanea. She cured exhibitions for the galleries Art Ekyp, Nuovo Comparto, Paggeria Arte. She collaborated with Studio Cannaviello, the galleries Super Plan and Cell63 in Berlin, and she wrote articles for Post-Monument, the catalogue of the XIV International Biennale of Scultpture in Carrara. Luiza Samanda Turrini has a permanent contract in the Laboratory of Other Writings.