”In Love with Textile”
is the short version of my story.
I was born in the economic hard times shortly after The Second World War on a small farm in Denmark. Being in lack of most anything except from food I knitted my first stockings as a small girl and sewed my own dresses using old clothes.
Darkness and Light - Rustic and Elegance - Search and Knowledge
As inseparable pairs of concepts the many words form a necessary framework for my artistic expression unfolded from the late 1980s and up until today. At first came the wonderful enthusiasm for the act of mastering a technique - in my childhood supported by my mother. Since came the necessity of exploring the limits of craftsmanship and finally the urge to explore the boundary between craft and the purely artistic expression.
The balance was found in an increasingly self-criticism associated with the recording of the metaphysical layers, to which the ancient techniques are closely linked. Myths, rites and double senses are given meaning in the encounter with other cultures, other artists and, above all, some exhibition environments that has dared open itself to my the world of perception, which slowly has made its way through my repeating experiments.
The status quo presents a sculptural surface in a constant motion, tightly bounded by the composition and materials, carried out with a tactile sensation growing into several directions. One is to be found in the large woven and knitted experiments - the pieces there for good moved my emphasis from technique to expression. Another consists of the sculptural pieces where the fascination of the high technologic elements such as LED`s and fiber optic opens for the interpretation of what modernity consists of.
My aim is to search for – and to express the inner soul of a specific material; an ongoing process, constantly taking new directions in the required game between dream and reality, between surface and shape.