
Art – life preference

It officially started sixteen years ago by enrolling into Academy of Art and Design back in 1995. I’ve started the chapter in my life which I’m still on, the chapter which is having influence on my life opinions and personal thinking.
Creativity development in my case started while playing in childlike games, popular “paper dolls”, and later on playing with legendary Barbie dolls.
That was the game which I did not want to finish. That game is the cause of my life decision, not letting me to grow-up and to become part of “adult” world.
It is possible to carry with mature and at the same time to stay “un-muddy”, and to keep youthful spirit and a wish to embellish world around itself, and with every new creation to make the change for better.
Within five years of statuary study I’ve stayed committed to original wish that “games never stop”, and in parallel I’ve continued art of painting. That was the period when cycle of painting originated by the name of “In my bathroom“, and for the first time as student i've got prestigious painting award in Nice, France.
Borders are being moved. I've came to conclusion that my creative ideas can be realized in variety of media in regardless of the fact that i am the sculptor. Art gave me the boardless freedom. Only synonym for freedom can be crative work.
Working in Cultural Center of city of Krusevac have initiated my master study on Academy of Art (creating an image and public relations), study which enreeched me with craetive articulication.
Right after the exhibition in concept by the name of „DNK“ took place. Show was made of: fotography, film, esarpas with paint motives from cycle of „Day when Gods have came down“. Borders were brought down this time, and i have managed to present myself to public thru three totally differ media.
Statuary, painting, photography, fashion design, digital media, acting, writing – art discipline which i have by now expressed in my creative inspiration. Impresive! I can be whatever i whish to be, in the same time expressing my (dis)agreement with the community and surrounding which i live in.
Beauty will save this world! - Fjodor M. Dostojevski