
Saturno Buttò was born in 1957, May 14th, in Portogruaro (Province of Venice).
Between 1970 and 1980 he moved to Venice to attend first the High School of Art and then the Fine Arts Academy. The High School initiated him into the classical drawing - that will be perfected throughout the years -, whereas the vocational experiences at the Academy were mainly about non-traditional way of expressions.
After graduation his artistic personality was already strong, but he did not single out his own original style yet. So he decided to segregate himself in his studio to start an elaboration that would lead soon to a kind of unique painting, owing nothing to any past or contemporary artist, and being immediately recognizable in the current international outline as well.
The first exhibition was in 1993. In the same year the first monogarph catalogue “Ritratti da Saturno” came out. In 1999 another monograph with title “Opere 1993 – 1999”. "Martyrologium" is the last book with some works after 2000 Since 90’s he has been organizing his production between Europe and United States.
Since 1983 he has been owner of a studio - gallery located in a byroad of Bibione, a seaside resort in the province of Venice; that place is conceived as almost unnoticed to the passengers: this choice reflects the artist’s lone temperament and discretion. Could these two qualities make us think, as the ancient used to say, that a man’s name can actually affect his nature? Nomen est omen? For sure we know that his name is the reference of the peculiar ideographs that stand as his signature on the works: indeed they are personal variations of the symbol that represents planet Saturn in the septenarius.