Marilu S. Manzini was born in Modena March 27, 1978. He began writing and painting “seriously” in 15 years. His first novel “Wax Doll”was published in December 2001 for a small publishing house in Piacenza. The second, entitled “I am not asking permission” in 2004 by Puffin, the third “The black book of love” by Rizzoli in 2006 and the fourth “If we are still alive” in 2008, provided for Rizzoli. He cared for three years a regular column on the Monthly Style of Corriere della Sera. She has also worked for newspapers, and Max Riders. But the journalists asked began the first steps in Modena Modena Radio City’s newspaper “Alive. ” He also worked for Radio City Modena in a radio program at night. As far as painting took part in some collective and took some personal, is a self. She has made R03;R03;several solo and group exhibitions with the “Gallery of Barcon” and the historical foundation “D’ars” founded in 1959 by Oscar Signorini. Approaches to photography at the suggestion of his dear friend and historical art criticism, Alessandro Bertoli Viale. The photograph of the “Memorial Day” is on permanent display at the Museum of Tarsia Ferramonti organized by the University of Calabria in Cosenza then edited by Dr. Paul Coen and Tonino Sicoli .. In addition to being born into the world of fashion has also attended a course by the designer and designs and makes clothes and accessories.