For Ab Talmon, the world consists of independent domains that one can enter and explore using different tools. He feels at home in two of these arenas: the entrepreneurial and the creative. As a youth, his creativity flowed in many directions: he played the piano and bass, painted, photographed, and filmed. In 1981 he started an agency that went on to become the market leader in the area of film and online storytelling. But in this digital age, a desire surfaced within him to return to the source and focus on the true substance: paper, charcoal, canvas, paint and operating end re-inventing the camera again. A passion for craftmanship. In the late '90s he picked up his brushes again, painting from intuition in a freely expressive and spontaneous way. These works began based on figurative elements, but have become increasingly abstract as well. In 2011 he started working on the videoproject "Leef!" ("Live") together with artist and sculpter Mariëttte Meijers.