
The artistic walk has conducted us toward a deep awareness to the point to consider a
Hung world! Stately internal embroideries require in a world I deprive of changes.
The “creative call” it sentences vain opportunities, in how much we record behaviors inappropriate to
a “cosmic system”. Each of Us has gotten used to cultivate reasonable results, but when it comes with resolved internal promotions, necessity impends to space beyond her/it “reason”. we Have the power to destroy the World, reassuring us that a prophetic day we could reconstruct him/it to our liking,
but, we have not considered that thin intuition to be “active principles” of a reactive structure absolutely to every principle of ours. To land in a cosmic Solidale Esercizio, could honor us of a new “world system”, able to promote ours deep resonant convictions,
confirming us of “marvelous intuitive opportunities.”

