
Alfonso Camplone was born in 1960 in Pescara. Lives and works in Pescara (Italy). Love for art concretizes first in an intense self-taught activity with flattering affirmations in the regional sphere. For many years, he is a founding partner of a Cultural Association, with the aim of spreading the art culture as a visual language, proposing it as a place of encounter and aggregation in the name of cultural interests, and fulfilling a social function of critical maturation of human growth through the ideal of permanent education, aimed at reading the work of art. Artist, Counselor and Clown-Doctor, Conductor (in Training) of Bioenergetics Exercise Classes ... in the various experiences "lived", he had the opportunity to "assemble a great puzzle", joining several past "doughs" the new ones that are leading him creatively, more and more, to his originality and uniqueness, succeeding in integrating his "formation" and using it for his own well-being and that of others. Basically "the artist intends to share part of the its essence, without imposing it, leaving the interested person free to interiorize it, allowing him to adapt to his taste. "