
"Born in Rimini to an Italian father and a Swedish mother, Mr. Sanese grew up in the ongoing confrontation between the two cultures, as far apart to each other as profoundly and clearly complementary.

The analysis of the Opposites, to which he's always hopelessly been attracted to, becomes a constant in his artistic development, music-born in the early nineties, until the inauguration of a parallel career as a painter in the first years of this current century.

His natural creative vein tends to continue to give expression in different art forms, so to prove that, in fact, it's the means that justifies the end.
The many projects so far, both musical and visual, are almost always united by a dichotomous approach, in constant celebration of the magnificence of Opposites.

His painting is quite material and he prefers the use of spatulas and hands, perhaps in a hypothetical link to his approach to musical composition, rich in dynamics and in analogically saturated and manipulated sounds.

To know more about the musical projects he is involved in, you can simply visit his site luigisanese dot com." E.V.