
The wood sculptor Giuseppe Caspani, was born in Arosio (CO) in 1940, where he still lives and passionately dedicated himself to his passion as always, the wooden sculpture. From now on he is called by his ability to shape the wood to make samples for the Val Gardena. His works can be seen in America, Africa and several European countries. His portraits, commissioned by the Vatican to charismatic icons of faith, such as Don Carlo Gnocchi, the Good Pope John XXIII, the young Wojtyla Pope John Paul II. In his own hand are the medallions with the image of politicians as Enrico Berlinguer, Sandro Pertini and Gaddafi, and alpinist, explorer and poet of the Mountain Giorgio Sinigaglia. Of size and detail attention to detail, are the wooden sculptures, such as the "Deposed Christ" the institute Don Guanella (CO), the "Dead Christ on the Cross" by Brugherio (MB), the "Risen Christ" by Arosio (CO), the "Christ Crucified" Desio (MB).