

As it is well-known (to whom?) I hate writing, I by far prefer reading, I find it much more rewarding and creative. Forced to write by veiled threats of ‘alcoholic apneas’ I shall try to put into words what, just because of its physical structure, would surely need a much more serious and strong support: well let us start!!!
One image, more than any other, stands for and fixes his painting: a spoon in mid-air from which a very thin thread of colour trickles down going to settle, with the delicacy of a pastry-cook’s hand on the glossy surface of the board (on which the base has been previously spread)… pursuing the movements the hand traces as if it were conducting an orchestra. In just one image we have here concentrated three elements which, according to me, shape the creativity of… Jean, Drugo, the Professor (names and identities he assumes with the ease of a chameleon): painting, cookery and music… But just one of these elements, in his specific case, includes the other two… and that is painting.

The musical element, instead, is represented by the unpredictable movement of the hand on the vertical dimension of the board. This movement tries to accomplish a sort of stream of consciousness… where the artist, stimulated by a soundtrack, tries to forget his bodily presence in the attempt to substantiate his emotions into colourful lines. We should never forget that our author was a bopper (???)… before landing on the colourful Universe of painting. It is exactly there that we find, in an on-going process of rarefying intents, lines iridizing an Absence, suggesting them as antimatter evokes matter, as an invention keeping faithful to a theme while fighting against it… By this, I think I have avoided the above mentioned apneas, having introduced you to the reading of the works by Jean, Gianpa, Drugo or the Professor…

Matteo Tonoli
Trad.: Raffaella Sala