
I'm Katrin Walter, born in Berlin (Germany) and studied corporate economics with a focus on marketing. I have been living and working freelance in Italy since 2002 and I live currently in Lombardy and Berlin. As an communications (and Italian wine) specialist, I work on a regular basis for one European wine network where I'm also the head of communications and PR in Italy; I write from time to time about wine and its markets in German and in Italian and translate especially from Italian to German. For selected clients I also work as a copywriter and press officer.
Now I was asked to help a German artist (how don't speak Italian) to accompany her to her first art exhibition at Rome.
My own website is under construction and will be online until 2012.

Per l'immagine iniziale ho scelto una mia ombra perché quando lavoro per un cliente divento in un certo senso la sua ombra, devo immedesimarmi nelle sue attività. E creo la sua immagine cioè, ne estrapolo il profilo che paleserò al grande pubblico. Il destino delle persone che svolgono il mio lavoro è di restare in secondo piano, in ombra, anche se spesso, senza di noi comunicatori, tanti aspetti resterebbero in ombra.

Look also at my pesentation in Italian!